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The project on making the production line of the PM 5 into an independent one has been implemented in JSC Volga

28 July 2020

The project on making the production line of the PM 5 into an independent one has been implemented in JSC Volga

The development and realization of the project were initiated by a production department of the company, – stated the production manager, Nikolai Skvortsov.

The goal of the project was to make it possible to produce paper of different shades and, hence, to expand the company’s product line. “Separating the production lines of the PMs №5 and №8 allows to produce paper grades of different colors at the same time,” – explained Nikolai Skvortsov. – “For instance, on the PM 5 we produce corrugating paper or ultra-light liner (interliner) of a brown shade and at the same time on the PM 8 we produce newsprint paper with 60 % whiteness. The new technological scheme allows to efficiently change the output products’ grades.”

The development of the project and feasibility studies for it began in November of last year, and the installation of equipment and new communications were completed in May of 2020.

For the project team from the paper workshop №3 were recruited the specialists on various areas: energetics, thermotechnics, mechanics, C&I. All the work in all areas was supervised by Deputy Production Director A.V. Gurilev, who also monitored the project schedule.

The project realization not only allowed to make more “flexible” the production process of various products in different colors, but also helped to create new products and new employment opportunities.

The press office of JSC Volga